

  • 作  者:Reid Hoffman / Ben Casnocha
  • 出  版  社:Crown Business
  • 出版日期:2012-2-14
  • ISBN:9780307888907页  数:272
  • 尺  寸:版  次:
  • 市场价格:USD 26.00
  • 分  类:其它图书  >  其他图书


安越书评《每个人都是创业家》(The Start –up of You)


  脸书(Facebook)在纳斯达克上轰轰烈烈又吵吵嚷嚷的上市,除了28岁的创业家扎尔伯格之外,最出风头的莫过于Sheryl Sandberg了。她不仅是脸书的COO,还是迪斯尼和星巴克的董事,被《财富》杂志评为最具影响力的商界女性。常人一定以为如此成功女性一定有明确的目标并有雄心勃勃的职业发展计划。Sandberg的职业经历却恰恰相反,作为一名富有理想的经济学学士,她大学时从没有想过自己有朝一日会在商海里浮沉。


  Sandberg的经历可谓丰富,从非营利机构到私营企业,从华府的权力场到硅谷的创业滩,外人看来似乎很随意,在在线社交网站LinkedIn的创始人Reid Hoffman看来,却诠释了一种新的职业发展道路:充分利用自己的资产、一直朝着自己热衷的目标奋进、及时了解市场现实,顺势而动。

  Sandberg的经历是Hoffman的新书《每个人都是创业家》中引用的一个例子。由针对专业人士的社交网站LinkedIn的创始人写一本有关职业规划的书,似乎有推销的嫌疑。但是仔细读来,他所提出的硅谷精气神(有别于我们动辄就归纳的某某精神),却的确让人耳目一新。Hoffman提出,硅谷的精气神就是永远在尝试(所谓Permanent Beta),而这种精气神体现在个人职业发展的计划上则是永远在改进的状态中(Always a work in progress)。他提出,在职业发展道路上永远在尝试,意味着你承认自己存在缺点,需要不断成长,也需要不断去适应和改变。这看似简单的陈述,如果能在实践中坚持,的确不容易。当然Hoffman也没有忘记在书中作广告,给出了大家不少关于修改在LinkedIn上自己简介的招数,同时强调网络对于职业发展规划的价值。

  总体而言,《每个人都是创业家》所提出的那种不断求变,不断适应的精气神的确给职场中人指出了一条不同的道路,结合最新Web 3.0的手段,实操性也很强。不过,人脉仍然是人脉。回到Sandberg的例子,从另一角度去解读,或许她的经历依然可以归结于传统意义上的擅抓人脉或者有贵人相助:萨莫斯最早招募她进入世界银行,随着萨莫斯去哈佛执教,她也跟着去商学院读书。萨莫斯出仕,作为亲近弟子的她也自然成为大内总管,而财政部的人脉圈又奠定了她下一步在商界的出人头地。这番解读的确有那么一丝中国式。其实人脉圈是放之四海而皆准的。



A blueprint for thriving in your job and building a career by applying the lessons of Silicon Valley’s most innovative entrepreneurs.
The career escalator is jammed at every level. Unemployment rates are sky-high. Creative disruption is shaking every industry. Global competition for jobs is fierce. The employer-employee pact is over and traditional job security is a thing of the past.
Here, LinkedIn cofounder and chairman Reid Hoffman and author Ben Casnocha show how to accelerate your career in today’s competitive world. The key is to manage your career as if it were a start-up business : a living, breathing, growing start-up of you .
Why? Start-ups - and the entrepreneurs who run them - are nimble. They invest in themselves. They build their professional networks. They take intelligent risks. They make uncertainty and volatility work to their advantage.
These are the very same skills professionals need to get ahead today.
This book isn’t about cover letters or resumes. Instead, you will learn the best practices of Silicon Valley start-ups, and how to apply these entrepreneurial strategies to your career. Whether you work for a giant multinational corporation, a small local business, or launching your own venture, you need to know how to:
  * Adapt your career plans as you change, the people around you change, and industries change.
  * Develop a competitive advantage to win the best jobs and opportunities.
  * Strengthen your professional network by building powerful alliances and maintaining a diverse mix of relationships. * Find the unique breakout opportunities that massively accelerate career growth.
  * Take proactive risks to become more resilient to industry tsunamis.
  * Tap your network for information and intelligence that help you make smarter decisions.
A revolutionary new guide to thriving in today's fractured world of work, the strategies in this book will help you survive and thrive and achieve your boldest professional ambitions. The Start-Up of You empowers you to become the CEO of your career and take control of your future.  

